
Towards the Inner Vision of the Truth


"And as for those whose faces have been whitened, in the mercy of Allah they dwell for ever." — Holy Qur'an 3:107


:: Candle Posts :: Motivational Gems for Higher Spiritual Enlightenment ::
:: Volumes 1 to 4 ::

The Candle:
A physical lighted candle emits heat, fragrance and light. I would like to present three concepts to my audience as to how I see these properties in a spiritual sense. In the purification of metals, heat is used. In the spirit world, I am using this property as a mechanism to dissolve all impurities within one's soul. Fragrance is a very powerful mechanism to purify the soul. If a person experiences fragrances during Dua, Dhikr, tasbi or bandagi, then he/she should feel very happy because angels are purifying his/her personal world. This is a great sign of advancement of the soul. Finally, the light of the candle symbolizes the light of our Holy Imam which arises in the forehead a staunch, obedient, devoted murid. This is the actualization of a Golden Noorani Didar which has been promised to all who make an effort to advance in the Spirit World.

Candle Posts:
This project is called 'Candle Posts' because I would like to bring the concept of a burning candle as a symbol of our continuous quest for higher spiritual enlightenment. In his Irshad on July 11, 2007 and his firman of December 13, 2008, Noor Mowlana Hazar Imam has put the onus on us to search for higher spiritual enlightenment under his supervision and then use this spiritual enlightenment as a continuous internal guide in our daily lives. This calling from our beloved Holy Imam needs tremendous effort. Therefore, I have made a very humble niyat to send motivational gems for higher spiritual enlightenment in the form of candle Posts. The Posts are also being archived so that you may be able to read them in a sequence over time. Each posting also has hyperlinks so that you can follow up on a point of your interest.



Candle Posts Index (Volume 1)
01 Fundamental Key to Success in 2009 :: Jan. 06, 2009
02 Measuring Strength on Siratal-Mustaqeem :: Jan. 07, 2009
03 Partnering With Noor Mowlana Hazar Imam in the Spirit World :: Jan. 08, 2009
04 Dasond of Lawful Income, Time and Knowledge :: Jan. 09, 2009
05 A Purified Nazrana is Worth Its Weight in Gold :: Jan. 13, 2009
06 The Candle, The Path and The Destination :: Jan. 14, 2009
07 Continuous Dhikr Creates Light and a Smile on a Momin's Face :: Jan. 15, 2009
08 The Blessing of Being Bestowed with Iman (Faith) :: Jan. 16, 2009
09 What is the Source of Internal Peace? :: Jan. 19, 2009
10 A Most Beautiful Prayer for Eternal Peace :: Jan. 20, 2009
11 Tauba (Sincere Repentance) :: A Heavenly Medicine :: Jan. 21, 2009
12 Whys Should We Focus on the Inward Sins First? :: Jan. 22, 2009
13 Bartering Good Deeds for Peace and Light :: Jan. 26, 2009
14 Why Should We Raise Our Consciousness for the Next World? :: Jan. 27, 2009
15 The Malfunctioning Intellect :: Jan. 28, 2009
16 Why Are Heavenly Things Better Seen Than Heard? :: Jan. 29, 2009
17 How to Improve Our Spiritual Book of Deeds? :: Jan. 30, 2009
18 Death and Dying of a Materialistic Person :: Feb. 02, 2009
19 How to be Resurrected with the Pious, Prophets and Saints? :: Feb. 03, 2009
20 Enlighten Your Grave (i.e., the Soul in Your Body) :: Feb. 04, 2009
21 Why Does Bandagi Have Such a Lofty Status? :: Feb. 05, 2009
22 How to Hold Fast to the Rope of Allah (Habl Allah)? :: Feb. 09, 2009
23 What is the Teaching of Mowla Ali (a.s.) on Bandagi and Meraj? :: Feb. 10, 2009
24 Mowla Murtaza Ali's (a.s.) Advice on 'How to Live in this World?' :: Feb. 11, 2009
25 How to Supplicate for Higher Spiritual Enlightenment? :: Feb. 12, 2009
26 How to Change One's Human Nature and Acquire Virtues? :: Feb. 13, 2009
27 How to Supplicate for Angelic Virtues With a Strong Conviction? :: Feb. 18, 2009
28 How to Seek LIberation from the Shackles of Limited Belief? :: Feb. 25, 2009
29 What is the Everlasting Barakat of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s.)? :: Mar. 08, 2009
30 How to Activate the Real Heart (Qalb, Dil)? :: Mar. 19, 2009
31 How to be Spiritually Happy and Also Face the Global Recession? :: Mar. 22, 2009
32 How to Participate in the Spiritual Knowledge Society? :: Apr. 07, 2009
33 What Should We Pray For During the Jamati Mushkil Aasaan Satado? :: Apr. 15, 2009
34 How to Obtain Exterior and Interior Protection? :: Apr. 16, 2009
35 How to Become Imam Conscious? :: Apr. 17, 2009
36 What is the Relationship Between Faith and Intellect in Islam? :: Apr. 18, 2009
37 How to Defeat The Ego (Nafs-i Amara)? :: Apr. 19, 2009
38 What are the Links between the Daily Prayer, Faith and Knowledge? :: Apr. 20, 2009
39 What is the Source of the Light of Faith? :: Apr. 21, 2009
40 What is the Role of the Present and Living Imam? :: Apr. 22, 2009

Candle Posts Index (Volume 2)
41 O Our Mowla, We Welcome You To Our Spiritual Homes :: May 03, 2009
42 What is the Significance of Continuous Bandagi Over 40-days? :: May 07, 2009
43 How Do Archangels Help True Believers? :: May 10, 2009
44 What are the Spiritual States of Murids of the Holy Imam? :: May 14, 2009
45 How to be in the Spiritual Presence of the Holy Imam? :: May 20, 2009
46 What are the Benefits of Dhikr and Bandagi? :: Jun. 02, 2009
47 How Does the Holy Imam Guide His Light to His Murids? :: Jun. 04, 2009
48 Why Is It Necessary TO First Die Spiritually? :: Jun. 08, 2009
49 How Does The Holy Imam's Light Reach His Mu'mins? :: Jun. 09, 2009
50 How to Call Upon the All Encompassing Light? :: Jun. 26, 2009
51 Yaum-e-Ali Dhikr Tasbi :: July 05, 2009
52 The Ultimate Dhikr :: Tuhi Tu (O Mowla, Only You are You) :: July 30, 2009
53 Greater Insights into the Concept of 'Tuhi Tu' :: Aug 10, 2009
54 Should I Incorporate Bandagi Into My Daily Routine? :: Aug 13, 2009
55 The Blessing of Shukr-vaari Beej :: Aug. 18, 2009
56 Spiritual Educational Resources For Holy Ramadan :: Aug. 20, 2009
57 Foundational Teachings of NOOR Mowlana Murtaza Ali (a.s.) :: Aug. 21, 2009
58 The Door of Salvation :: Seeking Forgiveness :: Aug. 23, 2009
59 The Relationship between Knowledge, Conviction and Action :: Aug. 25, 2009
60 Precious Gems On Death and Eternal Spiritual Life :: Aug. 27, 2009
61 New Insights into Balancing Din with Duniya :: Aug. 29, 2009
62 Precious Guidance About Livelihood :: Sep. 03, 2009
63 Lail-tul Qadr and the Power of Ism-i Azam :: Sep. 12, 2009
64 Noor Mowlana Murtaza Ali's (a.s.) Insight on Idd :: Sep. 17, 2009
65 Idd Mubarak :: Tawil of Dua-e-Qunut :: Sep. 18, 2009
66 Insights on the Topic of Knowledge :: Sep. 28, 2009
67 Knowledge and Conviction of Three Types of People :: Oct. 06, 2009
68 Insights into Loyalty and Real Inner Sacrifices :: Oct. 13, 2009
69 Idd Mubarak :: Tawil of Selected Qur'anic Terms :: Nov. 26, 2009
70 Idd-e-Gaddir Dhikr :: Ya Ali Tuhi Tu :: Dec. 04, 2009
71 Salgirah Mubarak :: What Gift Should We Submit To Our Beloved Mowla? :: Dec. 13, 2009
72 Why Should We Only Obey NOOR Mowlana Hazar Imam? :: Dec. 17, 2009
73 "To Be" or "To Have"? :: Jan. 04, 2010
74 Dhikrs for the Ascent of the Soul :: Jan. 18, 2010
75 Imamim Mubin :: Manifesting Imam :: Mar. 11, 2010
76 The Fundamental Role of Imamim Mubin in Our Spiritual Journey :: Mar. 18, 2010
77 Material Intelligence and Spiritual Enlightenment :: Mar. 25, 2010
78 Spiritual Kingdom of Mu'mins :: Apr. 01, 2010
79 What is the Source of and the Cure for Waswasâh? :: Apr. 15, 2010
80 Wisdoms from Surah Falaq (Holy Qur'an 113:1-5) :: Apr. 18, 2010

Candle Posts Index (Volume 3)
81 Wisdoms from Surah Naas (Holy Qur'an 114: 1-6) :: Apr. 27, 2010
82 What are the benefits of Jamati Satado Prayers? :: Apr. 29, 2010
83 Yearning for Light-of-Lights :: May 27, 2010
84 Recognizing the Light of Eternal Ali :: Jun. 08, 2010
85 Our responsibilities towards NOOR Mowlana Hazar Imam :: July 09, 2010
86 Let us review some precious, eternal wisdoms :: Aug. 05, 2010
87 Spiritual Educational Resources For Holy Ramadan :: Aug. 08, 2010
88 Spiritual Aspirations for Idd-ul-Fitr :: Sep. 09, 2010
89 Importance of Knowledge, Submission and Obedience in Personal Search :: Oct. 05, 2010
90 Tusi's Journey Towards The World of Oneness :: Oct. 12, 2010
91 Sacrifice and Rewards of God-Fearing Piety :: Nov. 15, 2010
92 The Meaning and Status of Amirul-Momineen :: Nov. 24, 2010
93 Noor Mowlana Shah Karim Al-Hussaini Hazar Imam (a.s.) :: Dec. 06, 2010
94 Salgirah Mubarak :: The Heart That Knows :: Dec. 09, 2010
95 Prayers During Sickness :: Dec. 16, 2010
96 Qur'anic Treasures, Dhikr and Ginan Resources at Audio.SalmanSpiritual.Com :: Dec. 20, 2010
97 The Character of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s.) :: Feb. 14, 2011
98 Meaning and Significance of Al-Rahman and Al-Rahim :: Mar. 12, 2011
99 Illumination and the Glorious Radiance of Eternity :: July 14, 2011
100 Noor Mowlana Mansur's Guidance, Supplication and Prayer :: Aug. 29, 2011
101 What Sacrifice Can We Offer on Idd-ul Adha? :: Nov. 01, 2011
102 Da'i Al-Mu'ayyad's Pledge of Loyalty, Love, Obedience and Piety :: Dec. 12, 2011
103 Noore Ali, Mushkil Kusha, Noore Ali, Hazar Imam :: Feb. 03, 2012
104 A Modern View of the Balance Between Din and Duniya :: Feb. 06, 2012
105 How to Reach the Abode of Eternal Peace? :: Feb. 13, 2012
106 Noore Karim Hazar Imam :: Mar. 21, 2012
107 Loyalty, Devotion and Obedience to Noor Mowlana Hazar Imam :: July 11, 2012
108 How Should We Prepare for Holy Ramadan? :: July 17, 2012
109 Resources for Holy Ramadan, Lail-tul Qadr & Idd-ul Fitr :: July 17, 2012
110 What is Sincere Repentance and What Should We Repent For? :: Aug. 03, 2012
111 The Connection Between Repentance and Enlightenment :: Aug. 08, 2012
112 The Mightiest Qibla of the Truth and the Noblest Ka'ba :: Oct. 28, 2012
113 The Path for Returning to the Origin in the Ismaili Tariqah :: Nov. 02, 2012
114 How Should We Actualize Our Bay'ah with the Holy Imam? :: Dec. 14, 2012
115 Harnessing the Power of Sura Ikhlas :: Jan. 02, 2013
116 Enlightening Wisdoms of Noor Mowlana Murtaza Ali (a.s.) :: Mar. 20, 2013
117 Harnessing Barakat in Spiritual and Material Worlds :: Mar. 28, 2013
118 Spiritual Dimensions of the Alid Tradition :: May 22, 2013
119 Unveiling or Self-Disclosure of God :: Jun. 05, 2013
120 My Wish List for the Upcoming Pradramani of Noor Mowlana Shah Karim Al-Hussaini Hazar Imam :: Jun. 18, 2013

Candle Posts Index (Volume 4)
121 Deeper Meanings of Prostration :: Jun. 27, 2013
122 What is the State of Your Spiritual House? :: July 04, 2013
123 How to Harness Special Blessings on Laylat al-Qadr? :: July 29, 2013
124 How is the Human Potential Related to the Cosmopolitan Ethic? :: Aug. 06, 2013
125 The Immense Power of 'Astaghfirullah' :: Mar. 06, 2014
126 How To Advance Spiritually in the New Year? :: Mar. 21, 2014
127 What is Unique About the Ismaili Imamat? :: July 08, 2014
128 Higher Spiritual Enlightenment and the Ultimate Wisdom :: Mar. 17, 2015
129 Insights into 'From Thee Alone We Seek Help' :: July 08, 2015
130 Worship of Those Who Are 'Free' :: July 15, 2015
131 Teachings of Rumi :: Dec. 09, 2015
132 The Opening of the Door of Enlightenment :: Mar. 23, 2016
133 The Fine Traits of the Holy Prophet (s.a.s) and Noor Mowlana Murtaza Ali (a.s.) :: Apr. 20, 2016
134 Harnessing Good Things Here and in the Hereafter :: July 10, 2016
135 Aspire For The Mystical Knowledge :: Sep. 08, 2016
136 The Source of Light in Our Spiritual Hearts :: Sep. 15, 2016
137 Hazrat Bibi Fatimat-az-Zahra (a.s.), Majma al-Nurayn :: Dec. 15, 2016
138 2017 — The Year for Higher Spiritual Enlightenment :: Jan. 01, 2017

May NOOR Mowlana Hazar inspire us to follow the Right Path and achieve a Golden Noorani Didar in this life time. Ameen.

Peace, light, barakat, tayid and Golden Noorani didar,
Noorallah Juma
June 19, 2018