
Towards the Inner Vision of the Truth


"Allah guideth him who seeketh His good pleasure unto paths of peace. He bringeth them out of darkness unto light by His decree, and guideth them unto a straight path." — Holy Qur'an 5:16


Festival Cards Section

Date Posted

Idd-e-Milad un-Nabi

2005 A Time to Reflect on the Status of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s.) :: Apr. 22, 2005
2006 A Time to Reflect on the Universal Role of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s.) :: Apr. 12, 2006
2007 Expansion of the Heart of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s.) :: Mar. 27, 2007
2007 The Holy Prophet's Experience of Monoreality :: Mar. 30, 2007
2009 What is the Everlasting Barakat of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s.)? :: Mar. 08, 2009
2011 The Character of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s.) :: Feb. 14, 2011
2012 Noore Ali Mushkil Kusha, Noore Ali, Hazar Imam :: Feb. 03, 2012
2016 Hazrat Bibi Fatimat-az-Zahra (a.s.), Majma al-Nurayn :: Dec. 15, 2016
2017 Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s.): An Illuminating Lamp :: Nov. 30, 2017
2019 The Traits of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s.) :: Nov. 8, 2019

Our Holy Prophet's (s.a.s.) Miraj

2005 Miraj :: The Journey in which our Holy Prophet (s.a.s.)
Attained the Status of Fana fi'llah and Baqa bi'llah through Ism-i Azam
:: Sep. 01, 2005
2007 Lessons from the Mi'raj of Our Holy Prophet (s.a.s.) :: Aug. 09, 2007
2008 What Happened to the Holy Prophet During Mer?j? :: May 14, 2009
2013 Unveiling or Self-Disclosure of God :: June 05, 2013

Holy Ramadan

2004 Holy Ramadan Card :: Rumi's Poetry :: Oct. 10, 2004
2009 Spiritual Educational Resources For Holy Ramadan :: Aug. 20, 2009
2016 Resources for Holy Ramadan, Lail-tul Qadr & Idd-ul Fitr :: June 05, 2016


2009 Noor Mowlana Murtaza Ali's (a.s.) Insight on Idd :: Sep. 17, 2009
2009 Idd Mubarak :: Tawil of Dua-e-Qunut :: Sep. 18, 2009
2010 Spiritual Aspirations for Idd-ul-Fitr :: Sep. 09, 2010
2011 Noor Mowlana Mansur's Guidance, Supplication and Prayer :: Aug. 29, 2011
2013 How is the Human Potential Related to the Cosmopolitan Ethic? :: Aug. 06, 2013
2015 Worship of Those Who Are 'Free' :: July 15, 2015
2019 Teachings on Charity from the Holy Qur'an and Hadith :: June 3, 2019


2006 Idd-ul-Adha: The Greatest Sacrifice of Hazrat Ismail (a.s.) :: Jan. 11, 2006
2007 Idd-ul-Adha: The Inner Meaning of the Sacrifice of Hazrat Ismail (a.s.) :: Dec. 22, 2007
2008 What is in the Spiritual Treasury of NOOR Mowlana Hazar Imam? :: Dec. 04, 2008
2009 Insights into Loyalty and Real Inner Sacrifices :: Oct. 26, 2009
2010 Sacrifice and Rewards of God-Fearing Piety :: Nov. 15, 2010
2011 What Sacrifice Can We Offer on Idd-ul Adha? :: Nov. 01, 2011
2012 The Mightiest Qibla of the Truth and the Noblest Ka'ba :: Oct. 28, 2012
2016 Aspire For The Mystical Knowledge :: Sep. 08, 2016
2019 'Hanif': Those Who are Attached to the Right Path :: Aug. 11, 2019


2005 Idd-e-Gaddir: A Time to Reflect on the Declaration of Imamat :: Jan. 27, 2005
2006 Idd-e-Gaddir: A Time to Reflect on the Declaration of Imamat (II) :: Jan. 18, 2006
2007 Idd-e-Gaddir: A Time to Reflect on the Greatest Gift from the Holy Imam :: Dec. 22, 2007
2008 What is in the Spiritual Treasury of NOOR Mowlana Hazar Imam? :: Dec. 04, 2008
2009 Idd-e-Gaddir Dhikr :: Ya Ali Tuhi Tu :: Dec. 04, 2009
2010 The Meaning and Status of Amirul-Momineen :: Nov. 24, 2010
2012 The Path for Returning to the Origin in the Ismaili Tariqah :: Nov. 02, 2012
2016 The Source of the Light of Our Spiritual Hearts :: Sep. 15, 2016
2019 The Ahlul-Bait are Spiritual Centers for True Believers :: Aug. 15, 2019

Yaum-e Ali :: NOOR Mowlana Murtaza Ali's (a.s.) Birthday

2005 Some Relections on Amir al-mu'minin, NOOR Mowlana Murtaza Ali's (a.s.) :: Aug. 18, 2005
2007 The Luminous Hands of the Holy Prophets and the Holy Imams :: July 26, 2007
2008 The Luminous Duty of Amir al-mu'minin, NOOR Mowlana Murtaza Ali's (a.s.)
and the Imam of the Time
:: July 16, 2008
2009 Yaum-e-Ali Dhikr Tasbi :: July 05, 2009
2013 Spiritual Dimensions of the Alid Tradition :: May 22, 2013
2016 The Fine Traits of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s.) and Noor Mowlana Murtaza Ali (a.s.) :: Apr. 20, 2016
2017 Teachings of Noor Mowlana Murtaza Ali's (a.s.) :: Apr. 7, 2017
2018 The Spiritual Imamat of Noor Mowlana Murtaza Ali (a.s.) :: Mar. 30, 2018
2019 How can reality (haqqiqah) be known? :: Mar. 21, 2019
2001 Navroz: A Time for Rejuvenation of the Body, Mind, Soul and Intellect :: Mar. 21, 2001
2002 A Time for Rejuvenation of the Body, Mind, Soul and Intellect :: Mar. 21, 2002
2003 Navroz 2003: A Time for Deep Reflection :: Mar. 21, 2003
2004 Navroz 2004: A New Beginning for Spiritual Progress and Development :: Mar. 21, 2004
2005 Navroz 2005: A Time to Reflect on the Subtle Body, Satisfaction of the Soul and Enlightenment :: Mar. 21, 2005
2006 Invoking Angelic Salwat for the Benefit of the Whole Humanity and All Departed Souls :: Mar. 21, 2006
2007 The Spirituality and Luminosity of Idd-e-Naw-ruz :: Mar. 21, 2007
2008 Giryah-u zâri, Moti Venti and Angelic Salwat Project for Navroz 2008 :: Mar. 20, 2008
2009 How to Activate the Real Heart (Qalb, Dil)? :: Mar. 19, 2009
2010 The Fundamental Role of Imamim Mubin in Our Spiritual Journey :: Mar. 18, 2010
2011 Meaning and Significance of Al-Rahman and Al-Rahim :: Mar. 12, 2011
2012 Noore Karim Hazar Imam :: Mar. 21, 2012
2013 Enlightening Wisdoms of Noor Mowlana Murtaza Ali (a.s.) :: Mar. 20, 2013
2014 How To Advance Spiritually in the New Year? :: Mar. 21, 2014
2015 Higher Spiritual Enlightenment and the Ultimate Wisdom :: Mar. 17, 2015
2016 The Opening of the Door of Enlightenment :: Mar. 23, 2016
2017 The Meaning and Significance of the Divine Name Rabb (Lord) :: Mar. 21, 2017
2018 Lisaana Sidqin' 'Aliyaa :: The Lofty Tongue of Truthfulness :: Mar. 22, 2018
2019 Idd-e-Navroz: A Time for Transforming the Spiritual Heart :: Mar. 21, 2019

Imamat Day

2001 Imamat Day: A Time for Reflection on the Paramount Position and Importance of the Present, Living Imam :: July 11, 2001
2002 Imamat Day: A Time for Reflection on the Maxim 'Knowledge of God is knowledge of the Imam' :: July 11, 2002
2003 Imamat Day: A Time for Reflection on Habl Allah 'Rope of Allah' and Imam of the time :: July 10, 2003
2004 Imamat Day: A Time to Reflect on Guidance Through Noor-e-Imamat :: July 11, 2004
2007 Imamat Day 2007 :: A Time to Reflect on 50 years of Glorious Imamat of
NOOR Mowlana Shah Karim Al-Hussaini Hazar Imam (a.s.) 1957 :: 2007
:: July 07, 2007
2008 Imamat Day 2008 :: A Time to Reflect on the Luminosity of
NOOR Mowlana Shah Karim Al-Hussaini Hazar Imam (a.s.)
:: July 13, 2008
2009 Imamat Day 2009 :: A Time to Reflect on the Spiritual Status and Role of
NOOR Mowlana Shah Karim Al-Hussaini Hazar Imam (a.s.)
:: July 09, 2009
2010 Our Responsibilities Towards NOOR Mowlana Hazar Imam :: July 09, 2010
2011 Illumination and the Glorious Radiance of Eternity :: July 14, 2011
2012 Loyalty, Devotion and Obedience to Noor Mowlana Hazar Imam :: July 12, 2012
2013 What is the State of Your Spiritual House? :: July 04, 2013
2014 What is Unique About the Ismaili Imamat? :: July 08, 2014
2015 Insights into 'From Thee Alone We Seek Help' :: July 08, 2015
2016 Harnessing Good Things Here And In The Hereafter :: July 10, 2016
2017 The Throne of Imamat is Continuous, Perpetual and Everlasting :: July 8, 2017
2018 Who Will Be Present at the Grand Diamond Jubilee Darbar in Lisbon? :: July 1, 2018
2019 Teachings on the Nature of Spiritual Union and Eternal Existence :: July 11, 2019

Salgirah of Noor Mowlana Hazar Imam

2001 Hazar Imam's Birthday: A Time for Reflection on the Concept of the Present, Living Imam :: Dec. 13, 2001
2002 Noor Mowlana Hazar Imam's Birthday: A Time to Reflect on the Concept that the Holy Imam is the Holder of Keys to Paradise :: Dec. 13, 2002
2003 Noor Mowlana Hazar Imam's Birthday: A Time to Reflect on the Presence of the Holy Imam on this Earth :: Dec. 13, 2003
2004 Noor Mowlana Hazar Imam's Birthday: A Time to Reflect the Concept of Light upon Light :: Dec. 13, 2004
2005 Noor Mowlana Hazar Imam's Birthday: A Time to Reflect on the Presence of the Holy Imam on this Earth (II) :: Dec. 13, 2005
2006 Salgirah Mubarak :: Prayers and Wish List for Our Holy Imam's 70th Birthday :: Dec. 13, 2006
2007 Salgirah Mubarak :: Golden Noorani Didar Dhikr CD :: Dec. 13, 2007
2008 What is in the Spiritual Treasury of NOOR Mowlana Hazar Imam? :: Dec. 04, 2008
2009 Salgirah Mubarak :: What Gift Should We Submit To Our Beloved Mowla? :: Dec. 13, 2009
2010 Salgirah Mubarak :: The Heart That Knows :: Dec. 09, 2010
2011 Da'i Al-Mu'ayyad's Pledge of Loyalty, Love, Obedience and Piety :: Dec. 12, 2011
2012 How Should We Actualize Our Bay'ah with the Holy Imam? :: Dec. 14, 2012
2015 Teachings of Rumi :: Dec. 09, 2015
2016 Hazrat Bibi Fatimat-az-Zahra (a.s.), Majma al-Nurayn :: Dec. 15, 2016
2017 Connections Between Dasond, Mahaadan, Siratal Mustaqeem & Didar (II) :: Dec. 14, 2017
2018 The Holy Imam is the Bestower of the Knowledge of Ma'rifat :: Dec. 13, 2018
2019 The 'Ahlaz-Zikr' are the Holy Prophet and His 'Ahlul-Bait' :: Dec. 08, 2019

New Year

2020 Gaining an Entry into the Grand Assembly of Holy & Heavenly Beings :: Jan. 01, 2020