Salman Spiritual
Towards the Inner Vision of the Truth
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"A messenger reciting unto you the revelations of Allah made plain, that He may bring forth those who believe and do good works from darkness unto light." — Holy Qur'an 65:11


:: Post No. 3: Who Can Touch The Hidden Book? ::

Monday, Feb. 3, 2025


Ya Ali Madad! This post has two parts.


Part 1. Knowledge Section

Let us reflect on the following ayats of the Holy Qu'ran:

Transliteration English Translation
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
Falaaa 'uqsimu bimawaaqi-'in-Nujuum,— (56:75) But2493 nay! I swear by the setting of stars,
Wa 'innahuu laqasamul-law ta'-lamuuna 'aziim,—(56:76) And verily it is a great oath if ye only knew it.
'Innahuu la - Qur-'aanun-Kariim (56:77) Verily2494 it is Qur'an honourable,
Fii Kitaabim-mak-nuun,— (56:78) In2495 a Book hidden,
Laa yamassuhuuu 'illal-mutahharuun: (56:79) Toucheth2496 it not save the purified ones.
Tanziilum-mir-Rabbil-'Aa-lamiin (56:80) Sent down by the Lord of the worlds.

Here are the footnotes and addition notes (pp.1617-1620) for the above ayats from S. V. Mir Ahmed Ali's translation of the Holy Qu'ran:

Vr. 75 (2493) 'Mawaqe-an-Nujoom', i.e., the time or the occasion of the setting of the stars—the time between midnight and the approach of the dawn. It is true when the pious ones or the staunch devotees of God are busy in their supplications or adoration to the Lord. Some commentators say that it refers to the revelation of the Qur'an. However, it is the time when the Mercy of the Lord unfolds itself specially for those who are busy seeking it, by their supplications. It is the best time for concentration, meditation, and thus for communion with the All-Divine. This is the time availed of, by the sincere devotees of God, to elevate their souls from limitations of the depth of the material sphere of life to the infinite sublimity of the heights of spiritual excellence.

Vr. 77 (2494) To get the full meaning, this verse has to be read along with the following two, i.e., 78 and 79 below. These three verses deserve a serious and intelligent study. Note the Holy Qur'an is called 'Kareem' which may mean Honourable as well as Charitable, Beneficent, Liberal, Kind. All the various meanings of the word 'Kareem' are equally applicable to the Holy Qur'an. Taking the meaning Gracious, Beneficent, it has the quality in perfect consonance with the fact that it is the Word of the Gracious and the Beneficent Lord of the Universe. Beneficence or grace, is always given to anyone and everyone who seeks it. Similarly, the Holy Qur'an is there, ever ready to benefit or profit whosoever approaches it duly as the guidance of God is promised to whosoever seeks it. See (29:69).

Vr. 78 (2495) It is clearly said, that it (the Holy Qur'an) is treasured in a Concealed or a Hidden Book, which means that the Holy Qur'an is an object contained in a Book which is Concealed or Hidden, i.e., duly protected—in which case the thing in our hands is only a Recital form of the Holy Qur'an and not the actual Book itself, for it is clearly said here that, it is in the 'kitabe-Maknoon' 'Hidden Book'. Supporting this is verse 43:3, which says, that this is only the Arabic version of the Holy Qur'an—and 43:4 says that the actual Holy Qur'an is in the 'Ummol Kitab', the 'Mother Book'. The Holy Qur'an was revealed through the Messenger Angel Gabriel descending on the heart of the Holy Prophet 26:193, 194. In verse 53:5, it is said that the One Strong, taught it to the Holy Prophet—In 29:49, it is clearly said that the Holy Qur'an which consists of manifest signs or verses, is treasured in the hearts of those who are gifted with knowledge, naturally of the Holy Qur'an. All these show that the Hidden Book, in heavens is the 'Lauhe-Mahfooz', the 'Secured or Guarded Tablet' which in the earth is represented by the heart of the Holy Prophet. The description of the Book given is so perfect (6:59) as that in which neither any wet nor any dry thing is omitted.

Vr. 79 (2496) The ordinary rendering of translation of this verse, is that it shall be held in all honour and purity. It shall not even be touched but by the clean at least in body with the prescribed ablution without which none shall even touch its written form. The wording also means that none but the purified one would understand it duly. Here the mental or the intellectual touch is meant. Even the Ahmadi commentator (MA) acknowledges this to be one of the meanings of this verse saying: "This also shows that the understanding of the Qur'an is granted only to those who are pure in heart." One should know as to who could be the purified ones who could have the external as well as internal purity to have the perfect touch to it. The Holy Quran affords the guidance to the divine personalities whose purity in every aspect of their life was affected by God Himself—See 33:33.

Vr. 79 (Additional Notes) ...Many commentators have said that the purified ones in the exceptional clause belong to angels. This shows that they accepted the principle that touching of Qur'an in its original state of the Hidden Book or the Guarded Tablet, is only possible for those purified ones whose conscious self is of the angelical level but their attempt to confine the application of the term only to the angels discards the Status that God has given to men whom He has chosen to represent Him as His Vicegerents on earth and has purified them, as an outstanding example of human beings purified by God with the thorough purification by Himself—Refer 33:33. Taking this verse as the minor premise and exceptional clause as the major one, the conclusion would be that the members of the Ahlul-Bait are in total touch with the Qur'an in its original state on angelical order and this has been confirmed by the most authentic and irrefutable declaration of the Holy Prophet the 'Hadee-thuth Thaqalain' that Qur'an and his Ahlul-Bait are the Two Purified entities inseparable which he left within the reach of muslims as his representatives, announcing that whoever adheres to these Two, will be safe from getting astray. (pp.1619-1620)


Part 2. Angelic Salwat
Let us recite angelic salwats to invoke Divine grace and mercy.

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

Allâhumâ salli alâ Muhammadin wa âle Muhammad:
O Allah! Bestow Peace on and through Muhammad and his Descendants

33 beads recited by Noorallah Juma


101 beads recited by Noorallah Juma

Al-hamdu lillahi rabbil 'alamin.
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds!


Haizinda — Qayampaya
(Our Present Imam is Living and His NOOR is Eternal)


Forty Deeper Spiritual Insights