"Allah is the Protecting Guardian of those who believe. He bringeth them out of darkness into light." — Holy Qur'an 2:257
:: Post No. 20: The Heart is Between the Two Fingers of the All-Merciful ::
Feb. 20, 2025
Ya Ali Madad! This post has two parts.
Part 1. Knowledge Section
In Enlightenment Post No. 10, we read about the properties of "Heart" (Qalb). We have learned that heart of a true believer is in a state of constant fluctuation because it continuously receives Light through unveiling. In this Enlightenment Post, I would like to go into a greater detail about the mechanism of the fluctuation of the Heart and its relationship to the All-Merciful. I have used resources from Ibn al-'Arabi, Rumi and the Holy Qur'an for this post.
Chittick writes: ...the Prophet said, "The hearts of all children of Adam are like a single heart between the fingers of the All-merciful. O God, O Turner of Hearts, turn our hearts towards obeying Thee!" In many hadiths God is called the "Turner of hearts" (musarrif al-qulub) or "He who makes hearts fluctuate" (muqallib al-qulub). (p.106)
Chittick writes: Since the heart is connected to the two fingers of the All-merciful, mercy is the heart's fundamental reality. It cannot but return to the divine mercy in the end (bi'l-ma'âl). This has important eschatological [i.e., doctrines about death and its aftermath] consequences, as Ibn al-'Arabi often reminds us. (p.108)
Chittick writes: The heart is the place of love for God, since only the heart can know God in order to love Him. The perfect lover of God accepts Him and loves him in every form He assumes through His self-transmutation. Ibn al-'Arabi explains these points in answering one the al-Tirmidhi's questions: "What is the goblet of love (ka's al-hubb)?" (pp.108-109)
My Perspective: The path of spiritual progress and development involves: (1) the creation of human beings; (2) the evolution of human beings through faith, knowledge, ibadat, and good deeds; and (3) re-creation of human beings into perfect beings. These three functions of Allah are represented by the following Divine Names: Al-Khaaliq (The Creator), Al-Baari (The Evolver) and Al-Musawwir (The Flawless Shaper). In order to be re-created, transmutation occurs in the heart (qalb) which leads to the opening and full development of the faculty of the heart. This gift is not given to every human being because it requires complete submission to He who is above all else.
Ibn al-'Arabi describes the process of new creation as follows:
Chittick writes: Wine is "that which intoxicates," so there are several kinds: [1] Besides the kind made from grapes; [2] there is also sensuality, which brings about blindness and removes him who drinks it from God's favor; and [3] Love, which tears away the veils separating man from God and brings about union. Rumi devotes much of Dîwân and a significant portion of the Mathnawî to praising the third kind and encouraging its consumption.
Here are some samples of Rumi's writing on this topic (pp.312-315):
Transliteration | English Translation |
'Alam nashrah laka sadrak? (94:1) | (O' Our Apostle Muhammad!)3079,3080 What! Have We not expanded for thee thy breast? (94:1) |
Wa waza'-naa 'anka wizrak (94:2) | And3081 We took off from thee thy burden? (94:2) |
Here is the footnote (pp.1873-1875) for the above ayat from S. V. Mir Ahmed Ali's translation of the Holy Qu'ran:
Vr. 1,2 (3079,3080) 'Sharhe-sadr' means expansion of the breast, i.e., heart. It is an acknowledged term, to mean the broadening or the extending of the faculty of conscience, reasoning and understanding for the accommodation of wider, greater or higher knowledge. The verse means an assertion from God that He had given the heart of the Holy Prophet, the greatest expanse for knowledge. When Moses was commanded by God to proceed to Pharaoh, to preach to him the truth and admonish him against his wicked and evil ways of thought and action, and warm him against his rebellious attitude towards the true Lord of the Universe, he prayed for the extension or the expansion of his breast or heart, meaning to increase him in knowledge (see 20:25). The same words occur in 6:125, wherein is mentioned that whomsoever God pleases, He extends or expands the individual's breast, i.e., heart, for Islam. ... The expansion meant here is the illumination of the heart or the soul with the vastness of the great extent of the knowledge effected, not in this world but in the very creation of the soul and the body of the Holy Prophet and of those of his family who had to play his role in his place after him, as guides to mankind, viz. his Ahlul-Bait. Note that the same expansion of the breast or heart was prayed for by Moses (see 20:25) whereas, in the case of the Holy Prophet, it is granted without asking for it. The verse clearly refers to the Holy Prophet being given the helper in his cousin Ali-ibne-Abi-Taleb. The appointment of Ali as the Vazier , i.e., the Bearer of the Burden, was announced at the very outset of the Holy Prophet's ministry, in the historic assembly of the leaders of the Qoreish, which meeting is known in history as the 'Da'wate-Asheera', i.e.. the Feast of the Kith and Kin—(Gibbon by W. Smith, Tabari—ibne Athir, Abul Fida and EHI). |
Transliteration | English Translation |
Fa-many-yuridil-laahu 'any-yahdi-yahuu yash-rah sadrahuu lil-'Islaam; wa many-yurid 'any-yuzil-lahuu yaj-'al sadrahuu zay-yiqan harajan-ka'annanaa yassa'-'adu fis-samaaa'. Kazaa-lika yaj-'alullaahur-rijsa 'alal-laziina laa yazzak-karuun. (6:125) | Whomsoever807 willeth God that He should guide them aright, He expandeth his breast for Islam, and whomsoever He intendeth to leave straying, He maketh his breast straight and narrow as though he is climbing into the very skies; Thus doth God layeth reprehensible chastisement on those who believe not. (6:125) |
Wa haazaa Siraatu Rabbika Musta-qiimaa: qas fassalnal- 'Aayaati li-qaw-miny-yazzak-karuun. (6:126) | And this is the path of thy Lord, a Straight path; indeed have We made clear our signs for the people who take heed. (6:126) |
Lahum Daarus-Salaami 'inda Rabbihim wa huwa waliyyu-hum-bimaa kaanuu ya'-maluun. (6:127) | For them shall be the abode of peace with their Lord, and He is our Guardian because of what they used to do. (6:127) |
Here is the footnote (p.549) for the above ayat from S. V. Mir Ahmed Ali's translation of the Holy Qu'ran:
Vr. 126 (807) The Holy Prophet was asked as to the sign of one's being guided aright—He said: "The inclination towards the life hereafter, dislike against the present world which in the abode of infatuation, and preparedness for death, i.e., to depart from this world. Those are the signs of an enlightened heart. The uncleanliness mentioned [in the ayat] is the resultant state of the soul owing to the disbelief." The words meaning 'And whomsoever He intendeth to leave straying'—never meant that God renders the disbelievers incapable of believing aright—it means that those who disbelieve are allow to go astray as they themselves desire. 'As though he is climbing into the very skies' means false pride of the disbelievers that they imagine that by rejecting the belief in God, they feel as if ascending into skies—i.e., by their rejecting the truth they themselves feel the strain as one feels the strain in his breast when one ascends any height, he feels his breast heaving and his heart panting. His breast is narrowed and straitened owing to his disbelief. |
Please reflect on the following teachings of Noor Mowlana Hazar Imam:
In this enlightenment post, we have learned that God empowers the true servant through continuous self-disclosures and witnessing till the servant's heart (soul) becomes a vast ocean of higher spiritual knowledge. The heart not only fluctuates with self-disclosures and witnessing but also keeps on expanding laterally. The Holy Prophet's heart expanded to such an extent that the image of the Universal Soul was imprinted into his heart. Therefore, Allah, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s), Noor Mowlana Murtaza Ali (a.s.), our Holy Imams, and our present and living Imam, Noor Mowlana Shah Karim Al-Hussaini (a.s.) have given a great emphasis to stay on the Straight and the Right path so that we may find a place in the Abode of Peace (Daraas-Salaam). May Noor Mowlana Hazar Imam fill our spiritual hearts with his NOOR and nothing else! Ameen.
Part 2. Angelic Salwat
Let us recite angelic salwats to invoke Divine grace and mercy.
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
Allâhumâ salli alâ Muhammadin wa âle Muhammad:
O Allah! Bestow Peace on and through Muhammad and his Descendants
Al-hamdu lillahi rabbil 'alamin.
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds!
Haizinda — Qayampaya
(Our Present Imam is Living and His NOOR is Eternal)
Forty Deeper Spiritual Insights