Salman Spiritual
Towards the Inner Vision of the Truth
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"Lo! the righteous verily are in delight, On couches, gazing, Thou wilt know in their faces the radiance of delight." — Holy Qur'an 83:22-24


:: Enlightenment Norm No. 15: Darkness and Its Remedy - 2 ::

Saturday, Feb. 15, 2025


Ya Ali Madad. The work, Pandiyat-i Jawanmardi, or "Advices of Manliness" is a collection of instructive religious and moral advices and maxims of Imam NOOR Mowlana Shah Mustansir bi'l-laah II.

This post consists of two parts:


Part 1: Excerpts from Pir Pandiyat-i Jawanmardi

"O, believers, within the man whose temper is irritable the fire of wrath speads sparks when he becomes heated by a fit of anger, owing to that irritability, and in that excitement, when it appears, are burnt (the fruits of) his faith, pious actions, his reward (for them), worship, purity of heart, decency, understanding, and intelligence. Then the fire of sensuousness flares up in him, causing him to feel the desire for tasty foods, causing him to make designs upon the property, position, rank and wives of others, making him wish to eat and dress well, under the influence of the fire of greed. This is Hell, it will reduce thee to nothingness, throwing thee headlong into the pit. Control as much as you can of the forces of irritability and sensuousness, so that they may not shake you in your position, will not throw you out of balance, stirring up, and causing change in yourself, in your original nature. This is because as soon as man has been brought out of the normal state, he becomes a brute without faith."
(Pir Pandiyat-i Jawanmardi, p.33)
"The (real) believer is one who is sincere, who never nurses anger and hatred in his heart, who is neither irritable nor rash, and keeps his heart pure and sincere." ;
(Pir Pandiyat-i Jawanmardi, p.3)

Related Enlightenment Norms: 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21


Part 2. Angelic Salwat
Let us recite angelic salwats to invoke Divine grace and mercy.

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

Allâhumâ salli alâ Muhammadin wa âle Muhammad:
O Allah! Bestow Peace on and through Muhammad and his Descendants

33 beads recited by Noorallah Juma


101 beads recited by Noorallah Juma

Al-hamdu lillahi rabbil 'alamin.
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds!


Haizinda — Qayampaya
(Our Present Imam is Living and His NOOR is Eternal)


Forty Enlightenment Norms