
Towards the Inner Vision of the Truth


"Blessed be He Who hath placed in the heaven mansions of the stars, and hath placed therein a great lamp and a moon giving light!" — Holy Qur'an 25:61


Holy Ramadan Card :: Rumi's Poetry



Caption: "O moon-faced Beloved, the month of Ramadan has arrived.
Cover the table and open the path of praise."

The great Muslim poet Jalal al-Din Rumi sang about Ramadan in the 13th century AD (translation by A.J. Arberry):

"The month of fasting has come, the emperor's banner has arrived;
withhold your hand from food, the spirit's table has arrived.

The soul has escaped from separation and bound nature's hands;
the heart of error is defeated, the army of faith has arrived.

Fasting is our sacrifice, it is the life of our soul;
let us sacrifice all our body, since the soul has arrived as guest.

Fortitude is as a sweet cloud, wisdom rains from it,
because it was in such a month of fortitude that the Koran arrived.

...Wash your hands and your mouth, neither eat nor speak;
seek that speech and that morsel which has come to the silent ones."


Peace, barakat, light, tayid, and a batini-noorani didar,
Noorallah Juma
Sunday, Oct. 10, 2004

Festival Cards