"And he for whom Allah hath not appointed light, for him there is no light." — Holy Qur'an 24:40
Personal Pradhramani Preparation Resources for the Murids of the Holy Imam
Ya Ali Madad and Mubaraki for the great news of Noor Mowlana Hazar Imam's Golden Jubilee visit to Canada! What should we ask for from the Holy Imam? To answer this question, let us read an excerpt from 'Lecture 15, Be In The World But Not of the World', from the book titled Life and Lectures of the Grand Missionary Al-Muayyad-Fid-Din Al-Shirazi (p.109):
"O momins, may God make you from amongst those whose guardian is God in this world and the world to come and with whose devotion to Him he is much pleased.
You must bear in mind that you are made of a thick earthly body and a fine heavenly spirit. Your earthly body needs earthly nutrition to sustain its earthly existence and your spirit needs spiritual food to continue its spiritual life. The earth is the storehouse of the material nutrition consisting of food and water for the body and the Prophets and the Imams are the storehouses of sciences which supply nutrition to the spirit which is the most precious stuff.O momins, take from the Imam the food for your next life. It will save your spirit from pollution and will qualify you with the attributes of the angels."
The preparation for didar of NOOR Mowlana Hazar Imam is done individually and collectively. With Mowla's immense grace and tayid, the following resources have been prepared for the Canadian Pradhamani who is scheduled to take place from November 18-25, 2008. I hope that these resources will meet the needs of our diverse global Jamat and will be useful to all murids who are preparing for the Holy Didar of NOOR Mowlana Hazar Imam.