
Towards the Inner Vision of the Truth


"On the day when thou (Muhammad) wilt see the believers, men and women, their light shining forth before them and on their right hands." — Holy Qur'an 57:12


Holy Ginan Verses Pertaining to Shukr-Vaari Beej from Pir Shams's Saloko Moto

Ya Ali Madad! The practice of fasting for a spiritual cause has a very, very long history. This can be traced from the 'Hasna Puri' granth composed by Pir Hasan Kabirdin (r.a.). Pir says that in the first age (Karta Jug), fasting was observed on Tuesday (Verse 13); in the second age (Tetra Jug), it was observed on Sunday (Verse 51); in the third age (Duapur Jug), it was observed on Monday (Verse 121); and in this fourth age (Kal Jug), it is being observed on Friday (Verse 144).

Shukr-vaari Beej is observed when the night of the new moon (Chandraat) falls on Friday. Ismaili Muslims fast on this day and observe Chandraat with special prayers. The basis of this practice can be found in the following verses of ginan from Saloko Moto composed by Pir Shams (r.a.).

Satgur Kahere Satnu vrat shukr-vaari beej chhe
Ane baar pahor pura jaan
Ardho aahaar kari je raakhshe
Te paamshe amar thaam re
The True Guide says The vow of Truth is to observe shukr-vaari beej.
The fast is for 12 pahor, i.e., 36 hours*.
Start your fast with a half filled stomach
For this vow of Truth, you will gain the Eternal Abode
*The fast is compulsory for all able bodied persons and, at present, the period of fasting is 12 hours instead of 36 hours.
Satgur Kahere Saheja daanaj dijiye
Ane dije gat gur mukhe jaan
Vari gat maa(n)he shukr-vaaru beej chhodsho
To paamsho moksh didaar re
The True Guide says Offer charity and submit tithe from pure incomes
Break the fast in Jamat Khana*
For this act of piety, you will attain salvation and didar
*At the present, the fast is broken at 6.00 pm in some parts of the world. The latitude to break the fast at 6:00 pm rather than with aab-e shifa in Jamatkhana is not automatic and has only been instituted in some Jamats and even then, only with the permission of the Mukhi saheb. In many parts of the world jamats, roza continues until broken in Jamatkhana, as has always been the traditional practice.
Satgur Kahere Chaar murate dhramaj thaapiyo
Te satgur Brahmaji aapohi aap
Shukr-vaari beej je thaapshe
Tene moksh moogatnu(n) thaam re
The True Guide says The True Guide has established the order of religion
throughout the four corners of the world
It is indeed the True Guide, the Universal Soul,
who has established this act of piety
Those who observe Shukr-vaari beej will attain salvation
Satgur Kahere Shukr-vaari beej je koi kal maa(n)he thaapshe
Ane thaapshe pure vishvaas
Te jivne moogataj thaashe
Ane sahi thaashe amaaro didaar re
The True Guide says If you observe and believe in shukr-vaari beej in this day and age,
and if you fast with a clean and pure faith,
then your soul will be freed from the bondage of this earth
and you will be blessed with our didar
Ya Ali, Ya NOOR Mowlana Shah Karim Al-Hussaini Hazar Imam, create Sunshine in our hearts, light in our foreheads, and bless us all with the inner vision of the Truth on the auspicious occasion of Shukr-vaari Beej, Ameen.

Peace, light, barakat, tayid and a 'golden noorani didar',
Noorallah Juma

Transliteration: Saloko Moto composed by Pir Shams. English transliteration of the Gujrati book originally published by the Ismaili Printing Press, Bombay. Anonymous author. Publication date not available. Book obtained through the ITREB Literature Desk in Edmonton, Alberta.

Translation: Festival and 50 ginans, Bavan Bodh, Sahi Samaraani and So Kriya: Transliteration, translation & glossary. Edited by Mohamed Sachedina and Zeitun Sachedina. 1993. Printed and published by Zulfiqar Publications, Calgary.

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